“Why Was There An Easter Bunny At Church?” – Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie, & Ben Wyman

“Why Was There An Easter Bunny At Church?” – Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie, & Ben Wyman

Is our church giving in to culture?

Show notes

After a brief interlude to answer a question about how our Lenten practices are going, the group delves into a complex question about what discipleship After a big Easter weekend, someone wondered why an Easter bunny was included as part of our celebration – and whether the bunny and the eggs have any extra meaning, or if we’re just letting in some bad traditions.

WARNING: If you still have a tradition of Santa Claus/The Easter Bunny/The Tooth Fairy/etc. in your home, we recommend not listening to this podcast with your kids around.

Ask us a question! Especially now, during this Ask Me Anything series! You may be surprised at how many people want to hear the same thing you do.




Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Brandi Horton

Brandi Horton

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Kaitlyn Bowie

Kaitlyn Bowie

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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