"Why Does The Church Struggle To Talk About Sex In A Life-Affirming, Judgment-Free Manner?" - Marty Vershel, Ken Coneby, Anthony Rogers, & Ben Wyman

"Why Does The Church Struggle To Talk About Sex In A Life-Affirming, Judgment-Free Manner?" - Marty Vershel, Ken Coneby, Anthony Rogers, & Ben Wyman

If sex is a gift from God, why can't the church talk about it as such? And is that lack of conversation destructive to the people who aren't hearing it preached in a positive way?

Show notes

For Marty's first podcast, Ben decides to throw him in the deep end and asks a listener's question he hadn't been allowed to ask before: why does the Church struggle to talk about sexuality? It leads to a surprisingly emotional conversation about the responsibility of a pastor when they stand on a stage, preaching vs. dialogue, and how to handle the reality of abuse and pain among the people you're trying to talk to.

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Marty Vershel

Marty Vershel

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Ken Coneby

Ken Coneby

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Anthony Rogers

Anthony Rogers

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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