"Why Do We Make A Big Deal About Sex Before Marriage?" - Andy Nixon, Anthony Rogers, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, & Ben Wyman

"Why Do We Make A Big Deal About Sex Before Marriage?" - Andy Nixon, Anthony Rogers, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, & Ben Wyman

Jesus barely talked about it. Why do we?

Show notes

Kaitlyn returns, and we celebrate by giving her a question she absolutely does not want to answer. But once the group starts to take the question seriously, everyone is surprised to find that they have a lot to say.

Also! This question is a plea to please send in more questions! Any sort of question. We've answered a lot of questions about human sexuality and we would like to talk about something else!




Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Anthony Rogers

Anthony Rogers

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Kaitlyn Hankins

Kaitlyn Hankins

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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