'Why Do Methodists Practice Infant Baptism? and Why Wouldn't a Methodist Pastor Rebaptize Someone?' - Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, Ben Wyman

'Why Do Methodists Practice Infant Baptism? and Why Wouldn't a Methodist Pastor Rebaptize Someone?' - Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, Ben Wyman

Why do methodist practice infant baptisms but not rebaptisms?

Show notes

We're talking baptisms! Andy can't stop the puns from pouring out of him. The group answers why methodists practice infant baptisms and why methodist pastors don't rebaptize.

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Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Brandi Horton

Brandi Horton

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Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins

Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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