'When Choosing A Worship Service, Are The People Or The Worship More Important?' - Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton & Ken Coneby

'When Choosing A Worship Service, Are The People Or The Worship More Important?' - Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton & Ken Coneby

How to Choose A Worship Service.

Show notes

This week's question asks, "when choosing a worship service, is it more important to be filled by the people in attedance or the worship itself?"

Andy, Brandi, and Ken give some guidelines on what to consider when "church shopping" and discuss some misconceptions about what worship should be, while also venturing down a rabbit hole to examine what the idea of being '"fed" by worship really means.

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Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Brandi Horton

Brandi Horton

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Ken Coneby

Ken Coneby

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