‘What Modern Christian Writers Are Actually Going To Stick Around?’ – Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, & Ben Wyman

‘What Modern Christian Writers Are Actually Going To Stick Around?’ – Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, & Ben Wyman

Whose work will stay, and whose will go?

Show notes

A C.S. Lewis fan wonders what authors since Lewis will last, which is exactly the sort of question that Brandi and Kaitlyn love answering, and lead the group on a number of different rabbit trails considering the current state of Christian writing.



Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Brandi Horton

Brandi Horton

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Kaitlyn Bowie

Kaitlyn Bowie

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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