“What Made You Become A Pastor?” – Andy Nixon, Donyale Fraylon, Marty Vershel & Ben Wyman

“What Made You Become A Pastor?” – Andy Nixon, Donyale Fraylon, Marty Vershel & Ben Wyman

Andy, Donyale, and Marty (and even Ben!) tell their origin stories.

Show notes

The group discusses what led them to become pastors, and why they abandoned other avenues to head towards ministry. Plus, is it ever too old to enter full-time ministry?

Then, at the group's urging, Ben shares his journey into the world of church media.




Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Donyale Fraylon

Donyale Fraylon

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Marty Vershel

Marty Vershel

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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