Season 1 | Episode 16: "Why Don't We Say 'He Descended Into Hell' In The Apostles' Creed Anymore, or, Life In A Flaming Garbage Dump"

Season 1 | Episode 16: "Why Don't We Say 'He Descended Into Hell' In The Apostles' Creed Anymore, or, Life In A Flaming Garbage Dump"

The group takes a simple question about a phrase removed from the Apostles' Creed, and turns it into a much larger question about the nature of hell itself, and whether there's a right thing to believe.

Show notes

The phrase "He descended into hell" was removed from the Apostles' Creed a long time ago, and a listener wants to know the reason why.

Of course, that leads to a lot of much bigger questions about the nature of hell, the humanity of Jesus, and what answers preachers are supposed to give to tough questions.

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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Jim Welch

Jim Welch

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Amanda Davis

Amanda Davis

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Jordan Czichos

Jordan Czichos

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