Season 1 | Episode 14 pt. 2: "Do Interim Pastors Come In With Preconceived Ideas, Or, Stop Buying Jim So Many Fountain Pens"

Season 1 | Episode 14 pt. 2: "Do Interim Pastors Come In With Preconceived Ideas, Or, Stop Buying Jim So Many Fountain Pens"

Part two of our conversation with our interim pastor, Jim Welch, as he tells us more about himself, how he thinks, and how he's looking at the next three months.

Show notes

Part two of our conversation, and it turns out there's almost nothing that Jim can't talk about for hours on end, and it's a fascinating ride. We start with "what's going to be happening at the church?" and end up at "is there a true limit on the universe?" in very short order.

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Jim Welch

Jim Welch

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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Ken Coneby

Ken Coneby

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Amanda Davis

Amanda Davis

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