Season 1 | Episode 11: "Women Shouldn't Be Pastors, or, Why Amanda Still Has Student Loans"

Season 1 | Episode 11: "Women Shouldn't Be Pastors, or, Why Amanda Still Has Student Loans"

A church member is having trouble with the idea of women pastors, so Amanda and Jordan talk over the scriptural basis for female clergy - and their personal stories of struggling be accepted in their roles.

Show notes

A member comes from a faith tradition that doesn't allow for female clergy, so they're asking whether there should be pastors who are women or not. Jordan and Amanda talk about female preaching and leadership in the Bible, their journeys to get to where they are now, and some of the road bumps they've run into.

Oh, and if you're looking for the Instagram picture we're talking about, it's here.

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Jordan Czichos

Jordan Czichos

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Amanda Davis

Amanda Davis

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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