Season 1 | Episode 10: "Can A Group Be Christian And Still Be A Cult, Or, We're Buying A Yacht!"

Season 1 | Episode 10: "Can A Group Be Christian And Still Be A Cult, Or, We're Buying A Yacht!"

The group is surprisingly divided on the answer to today's question, which leads to some of the most scorching takes the podcast has ever had.

Show notes

Andy, Ken, and Ben are divided on the nature of bad churches and whether they can still do good, which leads to Andy coming out against the Bible (not really. Or does he?), and Ken announcing that First Methodist is going to war. There are some stirring pronouncements about the spiritual character of Houston, and at the end of it all, we try and buy Andy a yacht.

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Ken Coneby

Ken Coneby

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Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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