‘Do You Believe In Angels?’ – Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, & Ben Wyman

‘Do You Believe In Angels?’ – Andy Nixon, Brandi Horton, Kaitlyn Bowie Hankins, & Ben Wyman

A chance encounter leads to questions.

Show notes

A woman who had a profound experience with a stranger who told her that she had seen Jesus walking besides her wanted to know: do we believe in angels? Do we think that the person she met could have been an angel?

It’s a question that group hadn’t considered before, and so there’s discussion of the nature of angels in scripture, the presence of the Divine in every day life, and how American culture affects what we think we can and can’t believe.

Ask us a question, or send us feedback! This, plus every AMA episode, is available at FMHouston.com/AMA.



Andy Nixon

Andy Nixon

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Brandi Horton

Brandi Horton

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Kaitlyn Bowie

Kaitlyn Bowie

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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