Ask Me Anything: “The New Jim Crow, Pt. 2 – ‘There’s More Than One America’” – Donyale Fraylon, Anthony Rogers, Kenneth Jackson, & Ben Wyman

Ask Me Anything: “The New Jim Crow, Pt. 2 – ‘There’s More Than One America’” – Donyale Fraylon, Anthony Rogers, Kenneth Jackson, & Ben Wyman

Show notes

In the middle chapters of “The New Jim Crow,” Michelle Alexander breaks down racism baked into the justice system, and the group talks about being raised with different expectations, and passing those lessons along to their children. Plus, the exhaustion that comes with constantly being teachers, but the responsibilities we have to educate the people that we talk to.

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Donyale Fraylon

Donyale Fraylon

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Anthony Rogers

Anthony Rogers

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Kenneth Jackson

Kenneth Jackson

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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