“Are Women Supposed To Be HEAD Pastors?” - Brandi Horton, Ken Coneby, and Ben Wyman

“Are Women Supposed To Be HEAD Pastors?” - Brandi Horton, Ken Coneby, and Ben Wyman

Is this really a role women should move into?

Show notes

With Brandi on her way to becoming a head pastor of a nearby church, the group answers the question of whether head pastor is actually a role women are supposed to move into, or is that against what the Bible says? Brandi has stories, Bible passages, and books to recommend. Even when she’s not ready for the question... she’s ready for the question. Ask Brandi a question before it’s too late! fmhouston.com/ama



Brandi Horton

Brandi Horton

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Ben Wyman

Ben Wyman

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Ken Coneby

Ken Coneby

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